Katherine took her first
communion yesterday and also lost her first
tooth. If I were a certain type of writer, I would compose a thoughtful, heartfelt piece about the passing of time and the many ways our little ones are growing up. I would tell you how I felt full of joy at the sight of her serious face concentrating on her thimbleful of grape juice, and I would tell you how I felt helpless at the
pre-tooth loss tears. "I don't want my tooth to come out!"
And, I would tell you that a little part of me didn't want Katherine's first baby tooth to come out, either. I would tell you about my
sadness over the loss of that particular little smile. But helping our children change and grow is part of our job, so I would tell you that in the morning I reminded her to sit quietly in church during the communion service, and that in the evening I gently grasped the loose baby tooth and helped her pull it out.