And, of course, thank you very much for the nomination, Circle of Moms. They're encouraging me to dust off my Twitter account and/or reveal my blogging identity to all of my high school friends on Facebook to drum up votes, which No Thank You. But I will tell you all about it because you are just that lucky. Let's see if we can get into the double digits!
I know not all of you are here for food allergy-related reasons, but I have to brag about some of my fellow nominees:
Maggie at Dog Hill Kitchen is one of the most impressive cooks ever, and her husband is a wonderful illustrator, which, how cool is that?
Kelly at Food Allergy Mama makes such great, family-friendly baked goods, you will like them whether you have allergies or not. She has five kids; she knows what she's talking about. We use her cookbook all the time.
Janeen at Our Story is one of my oldest and dearest friends living in my computer, and she helps me find good venison recipes.
Gina at Allergy Moms is a force to be reckoned with, not to mention the author of the only kids' food allergy book I really like. (I cry every. time.)
So it really is an honor to have my little half-pineholed blog included with theirs.
In answer to Misty's question, yes, we are extra careful with the dairy we keep in the house. We don't use dairy in cast iron or on wooden cutting boards--anything that might absorb it and be hard to clean. I use an old box grater to grate cheese, not the food processor. Katherine's chores do not include doing dishes, just in case she might come in contact with something. We keep most of the dairy in the cheese drawer in the fridge. The middle kids know to wipe their hands after school and after eating anything dairy. And we go through a forest's worth of paper goods every week wiping down the counters, table, hands, etc., instead of using cloths that might spread dairy around.