I read The Hunger Games yesterday. The entire thing. Holy crap. It is so good. Why didn't you tell me? I know. You did. You did. I just didn't listen. I'm sorry.
Thank goodness I bought the trilogy when it was on sale for the Kindle for like 5 bucks. In, um, September. (I don't know why it took me so long to start reading them. I was wrong. I see that now.) Now I can start Catching Fire today. Ooh--if you have Amazon Prime, you can read all three books on your Kindle for free by checking them out of the Kindle library!
I'll have to have something ready to read when I'm done. Any ideas? I mean, besides The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook. Which I do kind of want. Is that wrong?
Also, what should I be watching now that Downton Abbey is over?
P.S. Yes, I do have an old-school Kindle. Talk about a surprise gift I never thought I wanted. I was wrong. I see that now.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Abraham Lincoln, Kindergarten style
"I’m glad I wasn’t
Abraham Lincoln."
"Yeah. Because if I
was, an actor would’ve got behind me and shot me."
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
CDP from SuperJules
I have a heart full of love and a fridge full of antibiotics. Ah, February. But as I was gently reminded yesterday, it is high time I wrote about my Crappy Day Present from the one, the only, SuperJules.
Let's go back to, um, mid-December, shall we? To a time when I was losing my mind and a CDP arrived in the mail for ME. ME ME ME. The only unwrapped item was a container of Jules's dairy-free Candied Maple Walnuts. I saw those and burst into tears. (Told you I was emotional.) What a thoughtful gift. Especially as it was the time of year when every day brought more food-type goodies that Katherine couldn't eat. You need to make these, by the way. They are so GOOD.
Yes, the image is sideways. It's taken me this long to post--let's not get hung up on details.
Look at all the gifties! In my dimly-lit dining room!
I decided that since the walnuts were for everyone, I could open one more gift the same day. Pretty pretty salad utensils! No more will I serve salad with rusty barbecue tongs!
Then I did kind of a twelve days of Christmas for ME thing where I opened one gift a day to get me through December. It worked, too. Hence, the same red tablecloth in every photo.
Pretty pretty wallet! And for Christmas, my mom gave me a little contact case holder that matches the wallet but is pink! So coordinated!
Wallet interior!
Pretty green clothespins! I still haven't opened them! I want to use them for a kids' artwork display area.
SQUEE! BENTO CUTTERS! When you pack lunches for your allergic child every day, this excites you! I have wanted these for so long!
Cool flippy bag that now lives in my purse! Doubles as ball for bored toddler!
I swear Jules wrote about these bags somewhere on her blog, but I cannot find the link.
Beautiful scarf in my favorite shade of dark pink! This photo is horrific--trust me, it's pretty.
Socks without holes!
An upside down photo! Focus! It's a COUPON HOLDER! This also lives in my purse! I LOOVE it. I LURVE it. It makes me happy every day.
More socks! Back off, preteen daughter! These are Mommy's!
So, you can see just a glimpse how thoughtful and wonderful Jules is and why I love her from afar. Thank you, Julia.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Fun Freebies
- Did you see that you can donate Febreze items to the troops just by clicking a button? Swistle and SuperJules, I thought of you.
- There is a website with free printable vintage paper dolls that are, uh, out of print. You know what they have? The Ginghams! I had these paper dolls! Sarah was my favorite, of course. I can't wait to print them for the girls.
- We've had really good luck with audio books for long drives (one of the kids can't watch anything or play games or read because of motion sickness). We even listen to audio books at dinner sometimes. I try to get free ones from Audible whenever they're available, but they aren't always kid friendly. Recently I found Homeschool Radio Shows, a site that has all of these cool radio programs of books like Little Women and The Long Winter. Awesome.
- This build-your-own cupcake printable was part of Helen's Valentine. (All the kids play with it.)
- Have you found Made by Joel? He seems to be everywhere right now. We used his Dressy Cats as party favors for Helen's Hello Kitty birthday, and I am in love with his travel size paper city Paris set.
- Aaand, that's all I've got to keep you busy on this rainy day. Enjoy.
Monday, February 13, 2012
February 13
- Who has two thumbs and signed up to make Valentine treats for the preschool party tomorrow? This mom! I was going to provide strawberries, since they're healthy and vaguely heart-shaped, but that involves dragging three kids to the store in the snow and also spending money. Hmm. What's in the cupboard? Red velvet cake mix, white icing, and heart sprinkles. We have a winner! Mini cupcakes it is. Enjoy your sugar overload, children.
- Our kids are getting card games and a board book for the baby. I printed out these free Star Wars Valentines for them, too. "Our love will Endor." Hee. SO CUTE.
- I really like Catherine Newman's heart thumbprint cookies. Maybe I'll make them tomorrow if I have the energy/time/will to live after visiting the orthodontist's office.
- Back to forcing the Kindergartener to sign all of his Valentines. In a loving way, of course.
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Performance Review
Interviewer Number One: So, what are you going to do today?
Employee: Why do you ask?
Interviewer Number One: I just wonder what you do here all day while I'm at school doing work.
Interviewer Number Two: Yeah, I wonder that, too.
Employee: What do you think I do?
Interviewer Number One: I don't know... play with Interviewer Number Four and Interviewer Number Three when she's not at preschool, be on your computer.... and that's it.
Interviewer Number Two: And cook.
Interviewer Number One: Anything else?
Employee: Laundry, cleaning, dishes, shopping, bills, chauffeuring, paperwork, diaper changing....
Interviewer Number Two: That muffin for my snack today tasted horrible.
Interviewer Number Four: [Screeches and throws sippy cup on floor.]
Interviewer Number Three: I want it to be my birthday again.
Interviewer Number One: That shopping you mentioned, are you going today?
Employee: Yes.
Interviewer Number One: Will you buy me gum?
Interviewer Number One: OK, I think we've heard all we need to hear. Thank you for your time.
Employee: Why do you ask?
Interviewer Number One: I just wonder what you do here all day while I'm at school doing work.
Interviewer Number Two: Yeah, I wonder that, too.
Employee: What do you think I do?
Interviewer Number One: I don't know... play with Interviewer Number Four and Interviewer Number Three when she's not at preschool, be on your computer.... and that's it.
Interviewer Number Two: And cook.
Interviewer Number One: Anything else?
Employee: Laundry, cleaning, dishes, shopping, bills, chauffeuring, paperwork, diaper changing....
Interviewer Number Two: That muffin for my snack today tasted horrible.
Interviewer Number Four: [Screeches and throws sippy cup on floor.]
Interviewer Number Three: I want it to be my birthday again.
Interviewer Number One: That shopping you mentioned, are you going today?
Employee: Yes.
Interviewer Number One: Will you buy me gum?
Interviewer Number One: OK, I think we've heard all we need to hear. Thank you for your time.
Friday, February 03, 2012
Sick six
I'm so sorry about yesterday, buddy. Is there anything more depressing than your entire family being struck down by a stomach virus on your sixth birthday? I think not. At least you had enough strength to open your presents.
But today at school you get to share Ninjabread Men with your classmates.

And tonight we will make up for yesterday's birthday dinner of oatmeal and dry toast with your favorite dinner of tomato soup and grilled cheese (Daiya cheese for your big sister.)
Wishing you a wonderful, healthy year of being six, Eli. I love you.
But today at school you get to share Ninjabread Men with your classmates.

And tonight we will make up for yesterday's birthday dinner of oatmeal and dry toast with your favorite dinner of tomato soup and grilled cheese (Daiya cheese for your big sister.)
Wishing you a wonderful, healthy year of being six, Eli. I love you.
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