5:21--Change baby into spare changing bag outfit so you don't have to go upstairs.
5:23--Put diaper in trash.
5:25--Hear loud noise in baby's pants, much like the one he made during the prayers of the people Sunday at church.
5:26--Ask children to bring another outfit down for their brother.
5:27--Start to undress baby. Decide to take him upstairs for a bath.
5:36--Bring baby back downstairs where his outfit is.
5:37--Baby peepees all over towel, couch, your shirt, his clean outfit. Yay, slipcovers.
5:38--Child delivering another outfit from upstairs accidentally steps in growing diaper/laundry pile, gets poopoo on sock, carpet.
5:40--Look at huge laundry pile. Wonder when husband will arrive home with box of wine.