Friday, September 19, 2008

Abby the Alley Cat

As I've mentioned before, children's books about allergies--especially dairy allergies--are not very common. Children's books about allergies that my kids actually enjoy reading are even more rare. So I am pleased that they like Abby the Alley Cat: Staying Safe From Dairy! by Myronie and Sam McKee. First-grader Katherine finds the Seuss-esque rhyme scheme and repeating refrain ("Staying safe from dairy is my goal/So I will not touch it with a 10-foot pole!") easy to read, and two-year-old Eli likes the cute drawings by illustrator Adi Rom. I like the positive, upbeat message and the allergy-related information for parents included in the back of the book.

In addition to the book, there is also a video available for purchase. It is done in a Reading Rainbow style; the narrator reads the story while the camera pans in and out over the book's illustrations.

At $12.99 for the book ($11.66 currently on Amazon), the price is steep, but I would recommend Abby the Alley Cat for allergic children, especially those with dairy allergies. The video download is $2.99. And, according to the authors' website, 10% of the profits go towards helping children with food allergies.

This review was written for Go Dairy Free.


  1. Excellent!
    I'm putting this on my list to get for Belle. It is so tough being little and not being able to have certain foods. We only just discovered her Dairy issues - but they were on the heels of her brother needing to go gluten and casein free - so at least I was "equipped" with foods already that are safe and I know how to navigate an ingredients list. Now that she is in preschool it is tougher but there is another child in her class that is No Dairy also - even it is a "yucky boy" (her words).

  2. Oh thank you for the review. I put it on my list to get Kayla. We have Cody the Allergic Cow and she loves that one. I may get one for her school too.

    I can't wait to get it and read it to her.

  3. Maybe YOU should write a more "palatable" book. Betcha could!

  4. I have never heard of allergy books for kids. My daughter has quite a few allergies...thanks for sharing and I will check them out!
    -Sandy Toes

  5. Someone else had a problem at one point. For some reasons Feedburner doesn't recognize my url directly. But I think if you put in one of these, it will accept it. Let me know if it works...


    I ordered the book today - it should come in later this coming week. :)
