Thursday, May 14, 2009

Looking Back

Sara asked about our allergy story, which you can read about in this interview with Karen.

Jane Anne asked for some food allergy struggles and triumphs.
Some struggles:
Pop Quiz, Hotshot
Not As I Do
Declarative Statements

Some triumphs:
Note From an Allergic Child
Props for Teacher
On Friendship

Also, the Living With Food Allergies Blog Carnival is up at Go Dairy Free.

Edited to add: Some of the links were wrong, but they're fixed now.


  1. hehe How ironic that the side ad is for Edy's slow churned ice cream! ;)

  2. I can see why you are out of inpsiration, you have blogged on it all already!

    How about some fun, cookies to make with kids?

  3. Love love love note from an allergic child. You are teaching well!

  4. I just now got a chance to read through these posts. Thanks for sharing them all. It is good to see both the ups and downs and know that we all struggle, we are all constantly learning and we are surrounded by people that care. Thanks- I enjoyed this.
