Monday, March 05, 2012

Can of worms, not opening a

When school was about to begin in the fall, a homeschooling friend of mine looked wistfully at the group of friends that includes her youngest daughter and my eldest.  She remarked on starting her twentieth year of homeschooling and how the idea of sending her daughter to school with such a good group of friends seemed like a nice idea.  I said that sometimes homeschooling seemed appealing.  Then we both laughed at ourselves for thinking the grass is greener and went our own ways.

Do you ever daydream about doing something different with how you educate your children?  Why or why not?

I hope it goes without saying that this is a chance to tell your nosy Internet friend (Me!) about what you do/think about doing, not comment on others' choices.  I'll go first.  I really admire another friend of mine who looks at each of her seven children on a yearly basis and decides what is best for them: public school, cyberschool, homeschool.  They've been in and out of the school district and are flourishing academically and socially.  I like how she views education from a consumer's point of view, although I'm sure what she does is easier said than done.*  Your turn!

*Edit: Uh, I guess I just commented on someone else's choice.  Whoops.


  1. I'm of the opinion that consistency is best. Pick something and stick to it. I just imagine a child who is in school, then out, then back in again, wondering about what they are missing from either situation, feeling disconnected from the prior experience, etc.

    Of course, I might just be traumatized from having to switch schools when I was 11. That was hard.

    Lu has a cyber student in her class (severe allergies). It's an interesting experience, but one that has been very well received.

  2. Before kids, my husband and I discussed homeschooling. Our strengths are in totally different areas, so we thought that we could handle it. However, once Allison was born, I realized that wasn't going to fly. We are so much alike, and we both get quickly frustrated when I'm trying to explain something to her. She has excelled so far in public school, and is able to establish a rapport with her teacher that works. I think my youngest is going to be the same way. Whatever works for you and your kids is obviously the most important thing, regardless of what other people think.

  3. I do enjoy the idea of me at the helm of a homeschool---though my experiences helping with homework make me think this is better left to fantasy. I've also wondered what things would be like if I'd put the kinds in a Montessori program.

  4. I like the IDEA of homeschool, but the whole "kids are with me all day, not listening" part. I don't know what it is about the leaving the house part, but it makes them entirely different human beings (which is bad for my eldest, and good for my youngest). Regardless, it turns out that I'd go insane doing it, because they are too like me.

  5. We plan to homeschool through at least elementary school, possibly middle school. We will give the kids a choice at that time to continue at home or go to either public or private school.

    Our food allergies are part of the reason for being homes, faith is another, but ultimately, I like the idea of making our home our center for learning. I'm planning on doing formal school for reading, writing and math and letting the other subjects be very organic. We're just going to let the kids decide what interests them and go with it. That's the best part IMO.

    I also am just not a fan of spending my life in my car - I'm a homebody. I feel like homeschooling allows us to get some extra-curricular activities - like music lessons and swim lessons - out of the way during the day so that our evenings can remain family time with my husband.

    I'm saying all of this now, but since I don't start everything until this Fall, I reserve the right to change my mind. I'm flexible and if my kids can't handle instruction from me or aren't thriving at home, we will look into other options.

  6. Nah. I love my kids' school. I wouldn't change a thing.

  7. It doesn't come up a lot, but I was actually home schooled until ninth grade. Mostly I liked it, and it gave me a lot of time to develop my interest in reading and the arts at my own pace and development, which was awesome. But I did miss the social part, to some extent.
    I was very happy in my high school, and loved the daily interactions, but I have to admit my grades suffered quite a bit. I got more and more distracted from the actual POINT of school each year with all the other fun stuff going on on the sidelines!
    I should note though that my sister, who followed the exact same schooling pattern as I, had completely different results. She was bored and unmotivated at home, and excelled in high school- 4.0 all four years. So I guess my long winded point is, different environments suit different people! I think you just have to know your kids. So far Addy thrives in school and looks forward to it. Eli... I can see having some trouble. We're still waiting to see what we'll do with him, for sure.

  8. I always said "I could never homeschool". But honestly, I think I could. We send the boys to Catholic school and for the most part we really like it. I realize I can't shield them from all of society but there are days I wish I could. I never considered homeschooling until my son went to school with multiple food allergies. It would be nice to keep him at home and safe. But the school has done a fairly good job of working with us and for now we'll keep sending them to school.

  9. I am always impressed with homeschooling moms. DH and I discussed it, but since I needed to work, it was never really an option. Then when I decided to try to stay-at-home, the oldest was already in school, and we liked the school a lot, so why change? And...being home all day made me realize that while I may be a pretty decent teacher to other people's children, I am pretty darn sure that I would NOT have the patience to teach my own.

    That said, I still envy/admire my homeschooling friends for pulling it off.

  10. My kids love, love their public school. It is fine for elementary maybe even perfect for them. They are teacher pleasers, and that's just right for elementary. I am thinking about pulling them out for middle school (two years from now), homeschooling and doing more travel. I would send em back for high school. The middle schools here are rough. The academics go down, and that's a rough time in a kid's life to start with. I figure with all the social media now, they can stay connected to their friends, which will be their big objection I'm sure. I think having some life experience that travel brings helps you in high school when things get petty as they always do and also confidence when the inevitable disappointments come your way. The bad grade or the snub in the lunchroom doesn't look like such a big deal if you've seen what real poverty looks like in a third world country. I like that by that time they can set some academic goals for themselves. It's just a lot easier to stay engaged at that age when you have more say in what your study. KWIM? Jen at
