Thursday, December 13, 2012

Allergy ereader and grocery deals

Yes, I am ignoring the stack of Christmas cards I need to address to share:

You needed to do more shopping, right?

Thursday, December 06, 2012

If you haven't got anything nice... say about anybody, come sit by me.--Alice Roosevelt Longworth

Allergic Living magazine is looking for contributors (You can remain anonymous!) for an article about food allergies and marital stress. I mean, I'm sure you and your spouse and in-laws extended family have NEVER had any disagreements about anything related to the care of your food-allergic children, but if you happen to have a friend who has experienced these issues, she could respond. Anonymously.

They're looking for happy stories, too.

I look forward to reading the article and figuring out which contributor is you your friend.

More information and a link can be found here.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Welp, it's official

I'm the new Associate Editor at Go Dairy Free!

And holy crap, is that a big photo of my face.